antoniodipinto 3 days ago

Hi HN,

I'm a solo developer and recently launched, a news API service that combines real-time news updates with sentiment analysis. After struggling to find an affordable news API, I decided to build my own solution. is designed for developers, data scientists, and businesses who need real-time news and insights into public sentiment without breaking the bank. Here are some key features:

Real-time news updates from trusted sources Advanced sentiment analysis to gauge public opinion Easy integration for seamless use in various applications This is an ongoing project, and I'm planning to add support for webhooks and integrate with many other sources to enhance its functionality.

I'm not here to promote but to seek feedback and validation from this community. I would love to hear your thoughts on the concept, features, and any improvements you might suggest.

If this post is against community guidelines, please let me know. Otherwise, I look forward to your insights and constructive criticism.

Thank you!

  • Amir6 3 days ago

    Your website’s scrolling on none-home pages (like pricing) doesn’t work on iOS Safari.

    I also recommend adding a list of sources and more details/documentation on sentiment.

    Leave your email and we can have a quick chat to go over some other items

    • antoniodipinto a day ago


      Thank you for answering!

      Today I solved the scroll bug and yeah and great idea about the sources!