jacobgorm 12 days ago

About time. I have wasted so much time working around bugs in their D3D graphics drivers, spent days documenting and providing test cases and bug reports that they simply ignore that at this point I cannot recommend buying their hardware.

cut3 12 days ago

Their software hasnt always been the best. It sounds like this is them acknowledging that.

astromaniak 12 days ago

Finally they realized why NVidia wins. It's the whole coherent ecosystem, not just hardware with minimalist support in form of buggy drivers.

beryilma 12 days ago

I wish microcontroller companies also realized this. The amount of shitty development software produced by the likes of ST and Atmel is mind boggling. You can get awesome microcontrollers with crazy capabilities but the software support (IDEs, compilers, HAL libraries, etc.) is invariably terrible. ST's HAL library is a good example: full of bugs, weird APIs, Eclipse-based IDEs, ...

  • RealityVoid 11 days ago

    ST's HAL is so talked about and so complained about precisely because it's pretty good. I can bring up a lot of stuff using their HAL, whereas you should check the similar frameworks from other silicon vendors. They usually are much much much worse!

    • beryilma 11 days ago

      I don't think ST's HAL is that good, but I agree that the software support from other vendors is much worse, which is why I actually prefer to use ST microcontrollers.

      • adrian_b 11 days ago

        ST's HAL is not necessarily useful as something to incorporate in your products, but its source files provide a lot of details that cannot be found in other documentation.

        Writing your own simpler and more efficient code is much more easily done by editing the libraries and examples provided by ST, than from scratch.

  • sagarm 12 days ago

    I just do embedded development as a hobby, but STM32CubeMX now supports generating CMake-based projects so you can use your usual C++ development environment and workflow.

  • NoahKAndrews 12 days ago

    Thankfully they don't assume Eclipse anymore (but it's still not great)

ProllyInfamous 12 days ago

As both an OEM hardware user and stockholder, and in high-regard to TechPowerUp's opinions, this worries me.

  • MaximilianEmel 11 days ago


    • ProllyInfamous 5 days ago

      Because I believe more in the profitability of AMD's hardware design (based on past decades). Obviously, almost a week later now [AMD's positive stock performance]... shareholders are in general happy about AMD's entering software. I haven't sold anything and enjoy being incorrect when it leads to good things.

cedws 12 days ago

AMD have a greater incentive than ever to get their act together. I have faith Lisa Su will pull it off.

jasonvorhe 11 days ago

I think George Hotz said it best in one of his streams where he ranted about AMD (not a 1:1 quote): I'll believe it when I see it and if isn't source code, I won't care.