Show HN: GitHub-style screen time visualizer on iOS

18 points by anteloper 2 months ago

I wanted a longer-running view of my screen time data - in particular my usage on a given day vs. my goal usage. Github absolutely nails year-long visualization with their contributions heatmap, so borrowed some inspiration and created a similar screen time visualizer on iOS.

Here's what it looks like:

This is a free feature of the Clearspace app. Here's a link to our original HN launch with Clearspace:

littlecosmic 2 months ago

Looks cool but it seems to have a lot of tracking of personal data that is used for more than just the social features of the app. Am I misunderstanding?

  • urronglol 2 months ago

    Nope this is to collect app store analytics without being apple.

The_SamminAter 2 months ago

Why do I have to enter a phone number to use an (optionally) on-device-only app? According to the AppStore listing the app collects your contacts and health and fitness data, along with others. Why?