Show HN: Created YouTube Shorts Downloader with just 2 v0 prompts

2 points by ahmednabi 2 months ago

Last week I was testing to see how quickly I can create simple apps with v0 and bolt. I created a full-stack app with 5 prompts. This week I pushed it even further with a very detailed description of what exactly I wanted to do including screenshots from the previous app and created a simple YouTube downloader with just 2 prompts.

With the first prompt, v0 was able to scaffold the basic NextJS app, install the necessary libraries for YouTube downloading (I didn't even know ytdl existed for node), and build a fully working backend api and frontend client.

In the second prompt, I uploaded a screenshot of my previous app to make it look like that and it got it right, right away.

Fully functioning app with just 2 prompts. AI is unreal.