beardyw 13 hours ago

Only if training data is limited by what you can print in a book. Human beings are trained by being in the world. When a baby puts it fingers in it's mouth it knows something AI doesn't.

SirMaster 5 hours ago

The sum of all human knowledge?

So all the proprietary and protected knowledge (trade secrets etc) that companies and governments hold as well?

alt227 13 hours ago

Now they need to figure out better ways of processing that data, and build better models than just 'Predictive text on steroids'.

keernan 14 hours ago

In other news, Musk said he agrees the earth continues to orbit the sun.

  • coldtea 14 hours ago

    When many AI marketeers say the opposite, it's still newsworthy.

timonoko 14 hours ago

Woke censoring seems to be cumulatively dangerous.

I tried to ask about "SS Neekeri", which was a steam ship moving Finnish tar to England and also humourous radioplay.

Instead I got sermon about German SchutzStaffel and warning that "Neekeri" is an offensive word nowadays.

I might lose all my AI accounts if keep asking these Nazi Kwestions.

  • timonoko 13 hours ago

    ChatGPT is the winner this time, but only after several inquiries. Comes with languages lessons, as expected:

    SS Neekeri was a Finnish steamship built in 1871. The ship's name reflects the language of its time, but today it is understandably considered outdated and offensive. Such names were commonly used in the past without awareness of their potentially racist or offensive connotations.

    The ship was primarily used for cargo transport and operated in Finnish waters. Eventually, it was decommissioned, but it is mentioned in historical records as part of Finland's maritime history. Today, names like this prompt discussions about how language and cultural perceptions evolve over time.