Ask HN: Burnout Guidance

2 points by bosch_mind 12 hours ago

Friends and family tell me I’m insane for entertaining the possibility of taking some time off due to burnout.

I’m currently dealing with some serious depression and trying work on these things myself, but it’s proving to be challenging and have set a timer to re evaluate before I dig myself into a deeper hole.

Am I disillusioned to think time off would help me? Clearly the tech industry job market is tanking, so I see there is risk here. Would be nice to hear from people in a much clearer state of mind than myself.

I’m 29, have about 1.1M USD with 150k cash emergency.

Hoping to touch grass for a few months away from a screen and remember life is worth living. I’ve spent countless years second guessing myself hunched over, studying courses, doing graduate school, breaking production, fixing production. It’s fine, but my head is elsewhere and I can’t seem to care about anything anymore.

Fitness wise I’m healthy, eat healthy, sleep well, workout a lot and socialize with friends.

_DeadFred_ 11 hours ago

What does 'I can't seem to care about anything anymore' mean?

As a grey hair that burned out and flamed out with addiction I want to tell you to listen to yourself, but don't indulge yourself. Don't take action yet, figure yourself out a little more. When someone dies and you get depressed and feel like 'how can I go on without this person, the world feels empty now' people don't normally respond 'maybe if I blow up my life a little this will get better'. You figure out how to live without them. Maybe you need to figure out how to live WITH you a little before something drastic.

Have you lost passion? Or have you always delayed living/passion and you are ready for the delay to be over? Or is it you are now past the 'drastic life changes in 4 year blocks like elementary school, high school, college' and are now years deep into 'so this is my life' and don't have an upcoming new 4 year block where you shed old baggage and get another fresh start and you long for going back to that? Or???

steeeeeve 11 hours ago

If 150k will get you through six months and then some, take the time. If not, evaluate your spending and increase your savings so that you can take time off.

If you are taking time, expect that you will need or want a new income vessel when you come back, and that will take time to put in place. Few career paths will let you take any significant time away and just jump right back in where you left off.

Also, if you are burned out, start thinking of a clear exit plan.

marssaxman 12 hours ago

> 1.1M USD with 150k cash

That's called "fuck-you money" where I come from. If your head is elsewhere, take some time off to go be where your head is; it'll be good for you.

I have taken two year-long sabbaticals during the 32 years of my career so far. In neither case was it any trouble getting back to work when I was ready, and I have no regrets.

JSTrading 12 hours ago

I’d say at this point for you it’s too much of a risk.

0xdeadbeefbabe 12 hours ago

All your friends and family think you are insane? Why? Don't a fraction of them agree with you?