Show HN: Dotfile Locker
github.comI've been tracking my dotfiles with Git for many years now. They've helped me simplify Git, keep track of cloud provider logins, customize my PS1 and PROMPT_COMMAND before OhMyZsh was cool, and more.
However, there are some dotfiles and configs that I've created at employers, clients and customers that I also want to track but feel uncomfortable doing so without them being encrypted.
I realized today while writing a script to encrypt/decrypt an archive of dotfiles and symlink them to $HOME that I've written this before and was repeating myself. So I figured that if I'm going to repeat myself one more time, I might as well open-source it!
dotfile-locker is a simple tool that simplifies encrypting and decrypting bundles of dotfiles and other sensitive configs with GPG. This makes it possible to track them with version control and avoid losing environment configurations when your work machine goes up in smoke or if you work out of many difference machines but want a consistent working environment amongst them.
I hope you find this useful! Open an issue, email me or respond to this thread if you have any questions, comments or thoughts!