Hey everyone, wanted to show you my new side project: lessnews.dev
It's a curated, high-quality newsfeed for web developers — only deliver relevant links, but not too frequently so it's not another doomscrolling site. I came up with the idea after personally feeling overwhelmed by the amount of posts online. There are platforms like daily.dev, but I wanted something faster, simpler, and more focused.
The site was built over a weekend, so it's still early-stage, but you can already:
- Browse the latest links
- Mark articles as read
- Subscribe via RSS
- Submit links
More features might come later, but the core idea will stay the same: a newsfeed for busy web developers.
Hey everyone, wanted to show you my new side project: lessnews.dev
It's a curated, high-quality newsfeed for web developers — only deliver relevant links, but not too frequently so it's not another doomscrolling site. I came up with the idea after personally feeling overwhelmed by the amount of posts online. There are platforms like daily.dev, but I wanted something faster, simpler, and more focused.
The site was built over a weekend, so it's still early-stage, but you can already: - Browse the latest links - Mark articles as read - Subscribe via RSS - Submit links
More features might come later, but the core idea will stay the same: a newsfeed for busy web developers.
Check it out and let me know what you think!